Sunday, November 2, 2008

Blog Stage #4

Susan Nielsen: Admit it you might be wrong
The article I chose to write about is found in the Dallas morning news. It is written by an opinion columnist who writes for the Portland Oregonian. The article is written for an audience which includes anyone and everyone who involves themselves in the political world of the United States which is a lot of people. It states that you should realize that there is no perfect candidate out there to run and lead this country and that no matter what Obama or McCain do they aren’t going to be right about everything 100% of the time. She states that people need to take a better look at themselves and the candidates that they are voting to run for President. People are blind to the fact of saying to themselves the person I chose to run for President did something wrong. Reasons why are your biases you barely recognize yourself, surrounding yourself with people who think just like you do, you look for information that validates what you believe in, and you dismiss and ignore any evidence which contradicts what you think is right. Mr. Greenspan who is the former longtime chairman of the Federal Reserve, told Congress recently that he made a mistake believing the markets could regulate themselves. Treasury Secretary Paulson admitted he didn't see the subprime lending crisis coming. This is a classic example of exactly what the article is talking about. The author’s credibility could be argued that it isn’t very good because she is just an opinion article writer for the Portland Oregonian but when you read this you start to realize that this has happened to you more than once and you realize that what she is writing about is true. This statement is a wonderful idea that everyone needs to read “So in the spirit of unity, let's try it. If you're in the McCain camp, ponder the idea that Mr. Obama might be a decent guy. If you're an Obama supporter, concede that Sarah Palin is an actual state governor.”

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