Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Blog Stage #5

I am going to write about why every liquor store in Texas is closed all day everyday on Sundays. How come the government of Texas decided to make this a law? i just do not understand it. The only reason why I could maybe see them doing that is for religious purposes most people celebrating their religion choice on Sunday is typically common but still if this is a fact it does not make sense to me. I came from California earlier this summer and started to laugh and was in somewhat disbelief when I found out from family and freinds who live here in Texas that liquor stores are closed all day everyday on Sundays. Not one of them after I asked questions about it could really give me a straight clear answer to this question and since the city of Austin, Texas recently was named the city the most alcoholic I figured that liquor stores would be available twenty four seven to residents of Texas like I thought it would be before I moved here but I was wrong I do not really understand why this is a law but so be it.

1 comment:

Wes said...

Yes I believe it goes back to the time puritans came to America. When all stores would be shut down on Sunday for religious day. Texas is a very "old fashioned" state. Prayers are still a big part of football which is a school oriented event. Texas is not worried about being politically correct and they don't pretend to.